
Foreign culture and language come together, hand to hand. Broadening the understanding of another culture can allow you to be more flexible to the different way that other person thinks and lives his live.

Pros of learning a new language

Knowing Russian brings career opportunities
Even a note in your resume about an internship in Russia can make it more attractive to the headhunters. It provides you an opportunity to meet other group of languages and understand its mentality!
бизнес курс польского языкаAlways want to visit foreign country or live in other place? Now you can do it. Maybe you want to enroll the group and travel around the globe.
Learn Russian will definitely change your lifestyle Russian literature and art are the most well-known and famous around the world!

Everyone knows that reading in original is the most useful, so learn Russian is joy and satisfaction.

You see the world from a completely new perspective. You can visit Moscow or Saint individually. It is much better to see the city from inside not just popular touristic routs of sightseeing.
Boost your memory
If you decide to learn Russian it has many benifits for your memory and brain power.

It can be another groups of dialect, not just Russian language, maybe Chinese or Japanese language that are difficult too.

What classes are better?

Some people choose group classes, other prefer an individual way. It depends on person’s character, his timetable, school’s location and etc. Nowadays, people choose studying lessons with other people. Here some reasons for that: First of all, it is communicative. Students have to talk to each other and use Russian language to get to know something. It is one of the best ways to get everyone talking. Also it reduces teacher talk time in group so he can point your mistakes or give advice to use more appropriate Russian expression. Second of all, It requires the establishment of an environment of support, trust and co-operative learning can be nurtured. Also you can find new friends to speak with. At third, learning Russian language enhances social skills and interactions. Students are encouraged to become active rather than passive learners. Also students have the opportunity to learn from and to teach each other and has some fun.

Why exactly this one?

russian language in groupIn the period 1980 – 1995 groups of immigrants widely came to the USA bringing their culture and dialect with them. The Russian fluently speaking groups are spread across the country with concentrated areas in such places as New York, Chicago, Washington, California.
There are a lot of adopted words that mean or sound as English ones. Let’s look at some examples.
 Respect - «респект» (slang. The meaning is «regard», «consideration»).
 Names of groups of sports: basketball, hockey, football, volleyball and so on. Russian equivalents are «баскетбол», «хоккей», «футбол», «волейбол».
 Group - «группа»;
But there are a lot of differences too. English uses Latin alphabet and Russian uses Cyrillic one. «The word «здравствуйте» means «Hello! How are you?»

• Russians do not use a sentence order, just modify the noun ends;

• Russians do not use complicated structures like in English. For example, in English to be polite you should say something like this: «Would you mind to close the door?». In Russian «close the door please» or «give salt please» would be enough.

• Russian has rules to form plurals especially to change its ending. It particularly depends on the gender and a singular form ending. See how it works:
уровни китайскогоMasculine nouns or feminine ones: you should add –«Ы» or «И» at the end of the word: For instance, крокодил – крокодилы (crocodiles); вишня - вишни (cherries), земля - земли (grounds),слива - сливы (plums). While a word has the consonants Г/К/Ш/Щ/Ж/Ч/Ц at the end you should add «И»; For example: нож – ножи (knives), чайник – чайники (kettles), карандаш – карандаши (pencils), книга - книги (books).
In neuter nouns: In general you should put «А» or «Я» while forming a plural form: For example, облако- облака (clouds), море – моря (seas), яйцо – яйца (eggs), кольцо – кольца (rings).
Other cases are exceptions and if you want to go into these questions, you need a teacher’s help. It is not scary as it seems to be.

• Russians put attention on the intonation. The intonation or the accent can change the word meaning completely. For instance:

замо́к [za-mók] – (lock), за́мок [zá-mak] – (castle), уже (already) – уже (narrow), все (all) – всё (everything), жа́ркое (sunny, hot) – жарко́е (hot meat).
When you start new language you have to be prepare to lots of drills and constant repeats. Especially if you start lately and never study Slavic language before.

It might seem boring to go over the same group of sentences in Russian again and again, but it is a must if you want to learn and how to speak language.

Some advice

Russian language is not such simple as you may think. So it is important to feel comfortable when studying.

Russian has a lot of nuances so teacher’s help and support is necessary.
Why group work?
First of all, it is communicative. Students have to talk to each other and use Russian language to get to know something. It is one of the best ways to get everyone talking. Also it reduces teacher talk time in group so he can point your mistakes or give advice to use more appropriate Russian expression.
Second of all, It requires the establishment of an environment of support, trust and co-operative learning can be nurtured. Also you can find new friends to speak with.
At third, learning Russian language enhances social skills and interactions. Students are encouraged to become active rather than passive learners. Also students have the opportunity to learn from and to teach each other and has some fun.

What can you do?

learn russian in groupsAt Capital School Center we can happily offer you the online course of Russian. It is a great opportunity for everyone who wants to study Russian or who needs to speak without mistakes in a short period of time. Our programs were approved by International Schools.

Our school has the unique language training method based on SMART technology. It is 4D program which allows students to immerse in class work at the first lesson. This technology uses SMART boards so you can play games, watch films even sing a karaoke songs. This is a perfect for group classes. We can offer standard (up to 6 students) and mini (2-3 students) work group that are very useful because:
- Interaction and co-operation is facilitated thus decreasing a sense of isolation felt by some.
-Quiet students have an opportunity to speak and be heard in small groups thus overcoming the anonymity and passivity associated with large ones.

We can assure you that after your first group lesson you can feel confident and inspired to continue to learn Russian.
We can teach you from scratch. Also our aim is to improve your reading a range of texts including classic literature in original and writing skills.

Come to our group online class and learn Russian fun!
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